


The Department of Physiotherapy focuses on restoring mobility and functional abilities of people who have been injured, who are recovering from any surgery or disability. We offer various modes of physiotherapy treatment through electrical modalities, exercises and manual therapy techniques. At the core is the patient involvement in their own care through education, awareness, empowerment and participation in the treatment.

The aim of therapy

  • Managing acute and chronic conditions.
  • Rehabilitating injuries and the effects of diseases and disabilities.
  • To relieve pain, restore function and improve quality of life.
  • Educating patients to prevent reoccurrence of any injuries.

Treatment & Procedures

Here in Physiotherapy department we assess patients using special test and scales to attain working diagnosis. Device a patient centered treatment based their preference and needs. Our treatment plans are based according to current evidence and international guidelines.

Electro Therapy


Short Wave Diathermy


Ultrasound Therapy


Interferential Therapy


Electrical Stimulation


Swiss Ball


Mechanical Traction




Wax Bath


Exercises Therapy


Mariners Wheel


Pulley System


Suspension Therapy Unit


Dumbbell And Weight Cuffs


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation


We collaborate with various departments in the hospital to provide multidisciplinary
approach. We aim to enhance early recovery, mobility, early discharge and functional
recovery. Safety and care are our primary concern during treatment.

Cardio respiratory

Cardio respiratory physiotherapy rehabilitation is provided by teaching patients with proper relaxation, breathing, coughing and strengthening techniques. It is implemented by using FITT(frequency,intensity,time,type).

  • Improve cardiac and respiratory functions
  • To increase exercise tolerance
  • Reduce secretion retention, atelectasis, and pneumonia

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Antenatal exercises - We provide trimester wise exercises programme for antenal mothers to prevent gestational complications and to overcome the challenges during delivery.

Postnatal and postsurgical exercises-We advice the new mothers, how to regain and improve their fitness and post-pregnancy comforts through appropriate exercises and education.

Neurology & Neurosurgery Rehabilitation

  • Stroke
  • Parkinsonism
  • Peripheral Nerve Injuries
  • Polyneuropathies
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Head Injury
  • Spinal cord injury and diseases

We are a team of young professionals passionate in our work. We work in a friendly and efficient using the latest technologies and sharing our expertise to make a diagnosis and implement cutting-edge therapies.

Orthopaedic Rehabilitation

Dealt with common pain conditions, post traumatic and replacements. Emphasis is on the exercise to achieve functional goal. Neck, back and shoulder pain are the commonest conditions; pain reduction is achieved using modalities and hands on techniques. Later importance is laid on exercise therapy to avoid recurrence.

  • Fractures Sequelae
  • Deformity corrections
  • Replacement Surgeries
  • Acute and chronic Pain conditions
  • Sports injuries
  • Post-surgical physiotherapy management

Surgery can affect and impair mobility and physical functions. From surgical fixation of fractures, arthroscopic surgeries and joint replacements, patients have a long road to recovery. We aim at achieving functions to reach near normal and pre injury status.

In planned surgeries we employ enhanced recovery strategies – pre operative advice such as breathing techniques and strengthening exercises for limbs in replacement and sports injuries. Fast track rehabilitation aims at early mobility ,early discharge and achieve functional independency.

Oncology & Palliative care

  • Oncology & Onco -surgical care
  • Mastectomy - lymphedema physiotherapy managements and counselling
  • Palliative physiotherapy care - we give counselling and special attentive care to patients.

General Medicine & Surgery

Pre and Post-surgical physiotherapy management for all general surgeries.

Pain Management

We provide pain free experience to patients with the help of advanced therapeutic modalities, counselling and manual therapy techniques.


A discontunity or break in bone is called fracture. Advantages of fracture fixation

  • Cerebral palsy/Developmental delay
  • CTEV
  • Congenital anomalies

Educate parents and family members about the condition and treatment pathways. We address the importance of family members engagement in providing treatment throughout. Here we teach exercise, gait training and using splints according to their needs.


We encourage physiotherapy exercises, easy and safe mobility techniques to participate in activities of daily living and to prevent risk of fall in the elderly. Falls can be debilitating in old age, prolonging bed rest, deteriorating mental health and causing other complications. Hence emphasis is laid on early mobility to attain functional recovery.

We thoroughly assess old age patients for falls risk, plan for falls avoidance strategies and advice supportive aids/equipment for leading independent life. We device exercise based on the person’s ability to engage such as free exercise, group exercise, resisted exercise and swiss ball exercise.